Updates + Translators Notes Parts 5-10
20Marga speaking.
Few things: It seems we cut 2 minutes at the start of Part 10 in the dailymotion video, so we hardsubbed it again so the people who watched the batsu with those links can see the 2 minutes. It’s not as high quality as the others though, so If you’re starting to watch now, you might want to use this second version just for those two minutes and then go back to the original one. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and this problem doesn’t happen for the full file so I hope it’s not a big deal! Here is the second version:
Also, yes, we’re subbing the deleted scenes.
The rest will all be a post with the Translator’s Notes, a big long post even, so click at your own risk!
This “sexy guy” (I love his underwear) is a former profesional boxer. Nowadays he shows up a lot on tv shows like this or game shows, cause his air headed personality is very amusing to everybody.
I’m pretty sure you know these two from past gakis, but Hotohara (the one with the funny hair style) is the tsukkomi and Miyasako is the Boke. They guest a lot on Gaki no Tsukai and they’re both part of the LINCOLN cast.
First we have Takahashi Shigeo, from duo Savanna. He’s the boke, and the tsukkomi is Yagi, we see him later on dancing a samba with brazilian dancers.
Second we have Nishikino Akira, which is not a comedian but an actor and singer (we can tell from his physical abilities lol). I think he’s been on the batsu in other occasions too.
Next is Fujimoto Toshifumi, the tsukkomi of Fujiwara duo. Also known as Fujimon. His usual joke is when somebody says that something “looks small” he inmediatly responds “that’s cos my face is huge”. He’s married to Kinoshita Yukina (a tv personality) and have a daughter together.
And on the next row we have Kaba.chan, he is an openly gay Japanese celebrity and choreographer (he’s made the choreography of many smap concerts).
Then we have Tsukaji from Drunk Dragon. He’s the boke, and the tsukkomi is Suzuki Taku, wich we see in the same segment on the audience trying to cheer for his partner’s team. Tsukaji is quite an experienced actor and had a solo starring role in a movie this year.
And the last one is Kinoshita Takayuki, another comedian from duo TKO. Can’t find anything interesting to say about him :S He’s always there when there’s a lot of comedians in one place though xD
Uchida Yuya is a very famous actor and singer, who is regarded as a major figure in Japanese popular music. He was friends with John Lennon and toured with the Beatles, recorded with The Ventures and Frank Zappa in the 70s, and even was a candidate in 1991 Tokyo gubernatorial election. Imagine such a figure in that position… of course is hilarious! xD And we all know Shin Onii, so…
Kimiko Ikegami: She’s a famous actress born in Manhattan but moved to Kyoto when she was 3. Many family members are kabuki actors and that’s how she ended up acting. Most of her works are historical dramas.
Nakayama Shinobu: another actress, and j-pop singer. She was an idol during the 80 & 90s. Her career started going after she landed a role in the Jet Li movie Fist of Legend, a remake of the Bruce Lee film Chinese Connection.
Toyota Maho: actress and model. She is frequently seen on television, where she has acted in over 100 serial dramas and television movies.
Kawahara Sabu: actor born in Hiroshima, famous for movies like 13 Kaidan or Caterpillar. Still participates in tv dramas.
She’s a singer and composer. She participated in the World Popular Song Festival (some might call it the Oriental Eurovison) in 1973 with the song “Anata”, the same one we hear on the bus after all the murder-drama. Here’s the 1974 version.
So it might be a little bit confusing, all the edo period/edo city, so just to clarify, they go back to the Edo jidai, which is the period between 1603 and 1868 in the history of Japan, when Japanese society was under the rule of the Tokugawa shogunate and the country’s 300 regional Daimyo. The period was characterized by economic growth, strict social order, isolationist foreign policies and an increase in both environmental protection and popular enjoyment of arts and culture. The shogunate was officially established in Edo on March 24, 1603 by Tokugawa Ieyasu. He was the founder and first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan, which ruled from the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 until the Meiji Restoration in 1868.
In this period, Tokyo city was called Edo. Its name was changed to Tokyo when it became the imperial capital in 1868. So it might be a little confusing all the Edo talk.
In the batsu, we always have a statue that is a mix between Suga (the producer of the show) and some character relevant to the story, in this case, they made up a fake character and called him Tokugawa Kogemitsu (for the Tokugawa clan) and called him the 16th Shogun (Shogun: ruler of Japan in that period) which is impossible cos they were only 15 shoguns in the Tokugawa clan. They even hang up a sign that says “Kogemitsu clan” which you can see later on the show, and make “Tokugawa Kogemitsu” merchandise for the claw crane machine.
Itao Itsuji: I’m pretty sure we all know Itao by now but just for the new people, Itao (Terminator in this batsu) is a comedian who usually makes colaborations with downtown in Gaki no Tsukai, and is a regular member in the batsu specials. I know he’s a comedian and has a partner but just because I’ve read his wikipedia page, cos I haven’t seen him anywhere else but in Gaki no Tsukai. He sometimes appeared with his “wife”, a caucasian woman that isn’t really his wife but takes part in his comedy routines playing his wife. She’s quite a dancer! 😉
Naomasa Musaka (it’s misspelled as Maomasa in the dailymotion videos): it’s a famous actor that started late in the business and has done quite well. He appeared in JIN, Orthros no Inu, Maou, Yoshitsune, etc
Okada Keisuke is a comedian, half of duo Masuda Okada, and one of his acts is this “Happy Boy” character that dresses all in american flags, don’t ask me why, I guess that’s why he randomly speaks in english.
In the start of part 7 we see somebody throwing gold to people on the street, and later on, Yamazaki is called a thief, and acused of being Nezumi Kozou. Nezumi Kozou is the nickname of Nakamura Jirokichi, a Japanese thief and folk hero who lived in Edo during the Edo period. In 1822, he was caught and tattooed, and banished from Edo. On August 8, 1831, he was captured again, and he was tied to a horse and paraded in public before being beheaded at the Suzugamori execution grounds. His head was then publicly displayed on a stake. At the time of the arrest, Jirokichi was found to have very little money. This, combined with the public humiliation he dealt out to the daimyo, resulted in the popular legend that he gave the money to the poor, turning the petty crook into a posthumous folk hero similar to Robin Hood. The fact that he died alone, serving his wives with divorce papers just prior to arrest in order to protect them from sharing in the punishment as the law decreed, further enhanced his stature. Jirokichi’s nickname, Nezumi Kozou, is not a name. Nezumi is the Japanese word for “rat”; a kozou was a young errand-boy who worked in a shop in the Edo period. The nickname can thus be roughly translated as “rat boy”.
During that part, we see people taking the gold, one is actress Henmi Mari, which oddly enough has a daughter in the industry married to Kimura Yuichi, a comedian that usually appears in Matsumoto’s Suberanai Hanashi (I think he’s in the gossip talk in this batsu, so basically, him and his mother in law appeared in the same show! xD). We also see Nezumi Sempai, an actor/director/comedian famous for this song.
And finally, Egashira 2:50, a crazy comedian whose routine is basically jumping on people and stretching his tights. I mean, he’s so crazy that in some shows they just stopped calling him because of the mess he always creates.
He’s an actor best known for his roles in v-cinema yakuza movies. He has starred in many yakuza films and action films, such as Dead or Alive by Takashi Miike. He also starred in Battle Royale II: Requiem.
(Kano Kyoko and Kano Mika): The Kano Sisters are celebrities and say they are half-sisters with different mothers. There is also a 3rd “sister” who initially made appearances with the two. She eventually withdrew from the scene, according to industry sources, and now only intermittently appears with them. The lack of resemblance between them as well as their refusal to answer any questions about their age (even their reported ages are speculation) or past fuels speculation the three are not sisters at all, but just another group of tarento with a carefully crafted gimmick. Within Japan it is rumored that before becoming celebrities, they were high priced call girls for the jet set level. I’m guessing this is why they chose them to play the Oiran (high class geisha) xD Apart from frequent television appearances, they market a series of exercise videos, erotic calendars, collectible fashion cards and coffee-table pictorials, featuring the two preening mostly naked before a soft-focus lens.
So, in the trial, Shin Onii gets acused of being a fake ikkyu. He’s asked to be witty and get an animal out from a painting. Ikkyu was an eccentric, iconoclastic Japanese Zen Buddhist monk and poet. Ikkyu is one of the most significant (and eccentric) figures in Zen history. To Japanese children, he is a folk hero, mischievous and always out-smarting his teachers and the shogun.
After Shin Onii’s appearance, he’s asked to represent famous scenes of tv. First one is a famous scene in Taiyou ni Hoero (Howl at the sun) in which Inspector Jipan dies. I couldn’t find anywhere a clip of that scene, so basically what happens is that Inspector Jiipan gets shot in the stomach by a criminal and falls to the ground, dying. After that he looks at his own hand covered in blood and says “Nan ja korya!” (what the hell is this?!?) and “Mada shinitakunai yo” (I don’t want to die yet). It’s a very famous scene of japanese television.
Next is the scene in Kita no Kuni Kara where actor Tanaka Kunie yells at the waitress for taiking his kids’ plates too soon “Don’t you see my kids are still eating!??!?” Here’s the scene in question:

Here‘s the full scene but with very bad sound. Shin Onii just talked about how ramen was delicious when it’s cold outside xDD
Oh, and many of you know the song of this tv show already, it’s used in many circumstances:

Last one is from 101st proposal, where actor Takeda Tetsuya jumps in front of a truck, and after the truck stops and leaves, he screams to her “I won’t die! I won’t die! I won’t die because I love you! I’ll make you happy!” And then she says “Please, make me happy!” Here it is:

Shin Onii just shouted “careful, careful!!! It’s the 101st proposal!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahha
I’m pretty sure you know most of these guys already from past batsus but just for the new people I’ll share some info on the most interesting ones:
Front row we have first Haranishi Takayuki (wrongly translated as Haranishi Kouki in the dailymotion videos, sorry for that), half of duo Fujiwara (the other one was a part of the jumping game). You can watch some of his gags here. Next is Hosshan, which most of you know from Suberanai Hanashi, and his gag is sticking noodles up his nose and coughing it out through his mouth. We saw that in one batsu already. Next is Degawa Tetsuro, a representative of the so-called “reaction entertainers”. His favorite phrase is “Yabaiyo, yabaiyo!”, (This is bad! This is bad!!!), which has been mimicked by many co-stars. Then on the back row we have Kojima Kazuya, from duo Unjash, here is a skit from the two of them subbed in english in case you want to check them out:

And the last one is Tanaka Takushi, from Ungirls, which is a duo of two skinny guys lol Here’s a skit (unfortunately, not subbed).
Front row starting from the left, Ueshima Ryuhei, from trio Dacho Club. His “trademark” is to lose his temper and throw his baseball cap to the floor. Then we have Kendo Kobayashi (he is a personal favourite of mine, but for stupid reasons xD) His nicknames include Kenkoba, Koba, and Mr. Yaritai Houdai (Mr, Does whatever he wants). He’s also an actor. Watch him here making a fool of himself. Then it’s Wakky, a very athletic comedian. Don’t know much about him so I’m just gonna skip it, sorry! Back row we have on the right Iwao Nozomu (Wrongly named Noboru, sorry again), he is half of the Football Hour duo. He’s the boke, and the poor thing always wins all the “ugliest comedian” awards :/ (Yes, there is such a thing). The last one, back row on the left is actually another producer of the show, Nakamura Yoshinobu, of course only appears on TV when downtown makes him or in this batsu specials. Poor guy.
In the Gossip Reunion, one of the comedians they talk about (the rip-off bar owner) is Mimata Matazou. Curiously, last month (I think, certainly this year) Downtown talked about him in his talk segment in Gaki no Tsukai, and how surprised Matsumoto was after he came out to him and Junior. Want to watch? Here.
The other comedian they talk about in the Gossip talk is Watanabe Atsumu, mostly known as Sekai no Nabeatsu (although they call him Katsura Sando in the video, I think it’s because of a character he played, but I’m not really sure, if anybody can share info on that, it’d be great….). You know him from his gag with the numbers, when he says 3 or a multiple of 3 (hospital batsu) in a weird way.
After that, Jimmy-san mistakes Yamanaka Shinya, a physician and researcher of adult stem cells, for Seko Toshihiko-san (or his son? xD), a long-distance runner.
Do you think they look alike? I do. Jimmy, you’re forgiven.
In the “scary part” they play Magical Banana. It’s probably pretty clear, but Magical Banana is a word asociation game. One person says something and then the next says “If you say ***, I think ***” and then the next one, etc.
Then Hi-Hi comic duo appears, asking them about the spaghetti. It consists of Ueda (the boke) and Iwasaki (tsukkomi). Their performance usually starts with Ueda’s hail “Domo-ne! Waratte-ne! Kii-tsukatte-ne! Saikin Doh?” (Hi guys! Please laugh! Please be nice to us! How are you guys!?) followed by his totally meaningless line such as “Do you twirl pasta lately?”, “Do you zip lately?”, “Do you close curtains lately?”, etc.
Next, Okada Iijiri comes out from a locker, and does a weird dance. He’s a comedian, actor, and also does impressions.
Meanwhile, Matsumoto and Hamada talk awkardly, and Matsumoto says to Hamada that he speaks like an old man, like Shinsuke niiyan. He’s talking about Shimada Shinsuke, a recently retired comedian. He announced his retirement after admitting to having ties with organized crime.
Then, a crazy guy appears yelling Mikitty!!!. That’s comedian Shoji Tomoharu, married to idol Fujimoto Miki. Her nickname is Mikitty, and her songs sometimes include choreography that involves people chanting “Mikitty”. And so his husband just decided to add that to his gags and he sometimes just randomly yells “Mikitty!!!”. They had a kid not long ago.
So it’s Matsumoto and Hamada’s turn and they had to answer “If I say Let’s go to the end of the earth, you say Q”. First, to explain that, there’s a TV show called “sekai no hate made itte q” which means “let’s go to the end of the earth”. It’s a play of words cos instead of saying “itte kyu” (let’s go) they say itte Q which sounds the same. So, if I say “sekai no hate made itte”, the answer is Q. You probably know this show or watched a clip on youtube, this is the show where they go to crazy festivals all over the world and attempt to participate in these crazy parties.
The actual question was “If I say Momoiro Clover” you say? The answer is Z cos that’s the name of that group lol. And then, because he says “Z”, Mizuki Ichiro appears, the singer of the opening of Mazinger Z. He’s not new in the batsu specials either. He’s always yelling “Z!!”.
Finally, if you want to hear True Love by Fujii Fumiya but with the original lyrics, here you go:

If you’re still here after all this, you deserve internet hugs!!! 🙂
Hey there! First of all, my many thanks for your hard work! Been watching GnT Batsu Games for a number of years, and can’t get enough of it!
I have a question though. On the segment where comedians unveil cringeworthy and embarassing stories about each other, are those true? For example Mimata Matazo made it look it was all true. But then I seem to read he came out of the closet to Matsumoto? This means his story of abusing the drunk junior isn’t true. What should I believe? :p
As far as I know, their stories are true. Of course they always exaggerate a lot, so you should take it with a grain of salt. Ehm… where did you read/watch the part about him abusing a junior? I don’t remember that so I can’t explain it…
Sorry about the delay here! There were some issues with WordPress and I was away.
When he got the junior girl drunk on his bar and took her skirt, and that. :0)
Yeah but I’m asking where did you see that… was in another batsu? I don’t remember…
It was! On the Airport one, same kind of segment.
Any new updates for the (Unseen footage) ??
Great work, many thanks. Just wondering if there’s a link somewhere to download the video for the deleted scenes (without subtitles, of course)?
Can’t seem to find it on here anywhere if it exists. Apologies if I just missed it.
Are there more scenes of Matsumoto and Hamada alone at the scary segment? I wish there would be more of that…
I just realized the picture that always shows up next to my posts aren’t me…… I have no idea who that couple is……
Any idea on how to change that?
Sorry for that. I think it’s fixed now 🙂
Yes, this is a test comment to confirm. 🙂
You forced me to rewatch part 10!!! How could you do this to me! It was so torturous!
Oh wait….. IT MADE MY DAY! Thanks for getting part 10 reloaded with the 2 extra minutes! Hilarious!
Thank you very much gor this again, I just wouldnt be able to know this if it wasnt from here. 😀
I’ve just a little question regarding Deleted Scenes…are there more scenes of Matsumoto and Hamada alone at the scary segment? I wish there would be more of that. Anyways, thanks alot for the big explanation of the Batsu stuff. That was a long and enjoyable read, sheds a light sometimes on some actors or comedians who we don’t know. Thank you once again.
are you guys gonna sub gnt 2012 enthutiastic teacher never seen before 2hrs special?
Did you read the post?
That’s a lot of notes, was a nice read! Thanks for everything you guys have done on this batsu game.
omg that is gonna be awesome!! love you guys, gaki team your the best.
Thanks for taking the time to provide us with additional information.
I really appreciate it when subbers do this.
Also holy shit you’re subbing the deleted scenes? :O
Nice info one again!