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Statement About Donations
Hi Gaki Fans,
It has been brought to my attention that anonymous members of the community seem to have doubts about where our donations go and if anyone is profiting from our subs. Therefore I feel the need to write this page so set some things in stone.
First of all to answer the question “Is anyone is profiting from TG subs”, the answer is a massive NO. This would go against everything we stand for. We are here to make Gaki subs, free, for the community to enjoy.
We copy TofaPandaFansubs stance in this as well (copied here for reference, I’m sure Otviss won’t mind 😛 ):
“We will never ever ask anyone for money in exchange for subs. We do this on our free time and will continue to do so. As a voluntary group one learns how good friendship and determination can change the spirit of a group.
Therefore money will never be a prioritization.
But if you enjoy our videos and feel you want to contribute with some cash to us. You are free to do so. Either way we will continue to sub Gaki no Tsukai for your enjoyment. Donations recieved will not be accepted as a tool of persuasion.
As a donator you take full responsibility for your own actions regarding your will to donate money to this group.”
Will donating speed up subs or get us more subs?
No and no. The team works on the subs in their free time, whether it be out of school/college/university lessons or over weekends, and we will never tell a team member to hold their work to get more donations as, again, that is against the spirit of the community.
Does TG purposely hold off releases to get more donations/ad revenue
Absolutely not! We release when we are happy that the subs are high quality and correct, simple as that.
I can see why there is confusion though, there has been times (I saw it during this (2015/16) subbing cycle) that someone donates a high amount and then a release happens. This is purely coincidental, the release would have happened anyway when the subs and video were ready (I think the files were just being uploaded to the server at the time)
How TeamGaki receives money
TG receives money in the following ways:
1. Donations – Primary Source
2. Google Ads on the main site and via the Advert page before a download – Thank you to all those that have white-listed TeamGaki.com on their AdBlockers! It’s cool if you don’t want to, all you’ll get is a little message before a download, but we won’t restrict you in any other way
3. DailyMotion Partnership – Like YouTube Partnership, but on DailyMotion…
Sources 1 and 3 are paid to a PayPal account that is owned by Rich and is supervised by Mickstar. Money is transferred out to a UK bank account, again owned by Rich with Mickstar having access to online banking to monitor transactions.
Source 2 is paid directly to the bank account mentioned above
What does TG do with the money?
TG allocates the money as follows
1. Server costs – Our servers, 3 in total, for the website, downloads and TeamGaki services (Torrent seeding, live streams, Discord bot) costs around €200 per month, more if our hosts decides to add on bandwidth costs (luckily hasn’t happened… yet). Oh and the cost is in Euro… so we have conversion rates and fees to worry about as well.
2. Domain name renewal – We ARE keeping teamgaki.com damn it!
3. Licence for cPanel for said servers
4. Emergencies – After our last server crashed and burned, we decided that £500 will always be in reserve to buy a new server if one fails or is showing signs of being on the brink of failure.
After all the allocations have been completed, any money left over and any additional money received via any of the sources mentioned above will be donated to a charity of the subbing teams choosing for that year (Donations or payments received (Looking at you Google!) after the donation to the charity is made will be held in the account until the next subbing cycle)
And that’s it, it’s that simple 🙂
Hope that clears up everything, however anyone (subber or visitor) is always welcome to email me at rich@teamgaki.com