Poll: Batsu Game Enjoyment
46We would like your opinion on this years Batsu game. We are doing this poll now and will also do one after Part 6 and after completion to see if people enjoy it more later on 🙂

We would like your opinion on this years Batsu game. We are doing this poll now and will also do one after Part 6 and after completion to see if people enjoy it more later on 🙂
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still love it
will still watch it alot
its gone stale
I like this show, especially till 2007, since then show goes by the same scenario which makes it predictable and kinda boring, but I sill watch it, because some bits are always funny like drawer opening. My favorite one was when Hamada found bananas in police station.
First of all, Thank you so much to team Gaki for your hard-work. Regarding the show itself, I rated 3/10. I first watched this series on 2007, and it has been going downhill since the Hotel Employees. Now its really gone stale and pretty much the same repertoire every year. Furthermore, what makes pre-Hospital show really funny was because the punishment was actually painful and they sincerely tried their best not to laugh, making each reaction a lot funnier. Nowadays they laugh at every skit and is more of a celebrity skit-show than a No Laughing game. I still watch this series annually but I see it as a celebration more than anything else; the same way that we watch Lion Dance on CnY, Christmas special on christmas, etc.
Love it and thank you for doing the subs and having it in HD. I can’t find these anywhere! But here!!!! I have watched all the others every Feb or so for the past 3 years. Kind of like my tradition for the new year only in February. It was hard to find this year’s No Laughing game online for 2016-17. So THANK you for being there to do this.
I voted 7 out of 10, loved the 3rd part with the mini games, had good laughs with that. 😀
I feel bad for Tanaka taking 3 Thaikicks in a row just like that tho.. XD
They (Hosei & Hamada) took the joke too far and ruins it
I hope one of them dies so they would just stop doing this. Don’t get me wrong i love all of them to death but, its obvious they do not want to do this anymore. Its painful to watch them just going through the motions doing the same thing year after year. Tanaka Thai kick stopped being funny the second year they did it so does bringing Endo’s family into the program it’s gotten to the point of being cringy. Anyway, much thanks to the subbing Team for your efforts because i can watch the older ones on this site. XOXOXOX
Arrf, these olds farts guyz are terrible… Missing time of 24hoursTag or Onsen with Genuine Matsumoto and his sadistic’s Hamada friends….
Or maybe I’m too old for this?!
The members are too old they don’t give a fuck anymore
I’d like to vote…
But sadly my policy isn’t to watch until the whole thing’s up, so… faster please?
Big, big thanks to Team Gaki for the great job translating and subbing! The yearly batsu game follows the same formula. they really need to change it up because you can predict what segment is coming next. Bus ride, desks, oni arena, game show, meeting room, the two teams in loincloths batsu, Chono eventually slapping Hosei. To me the best segments are the opening desk drawers and the oni arena because they are not following a script and anything can happen out of improvisation as Gaki are free to do/say whatever. When they have to sit and watch somebody else try to make them laugh (such as bus ride) that is not as entertaining, Even still I look forward to each year’s batsu game.
I love Hamada and his new dog ‘Cookie’… hilarious.
Okay I finished part four after being mostly unimpressed with the first three predictable parts. Frankly I think the show works best when the guys are surprised and I did not have high hopes rolling into part four.
I was wrong.
Four was golden. The bus ride segment was enjoyable (hats off to the girl for some good line delivery). The tag segment while formulaic had some bits that brought laughs. Some very well crafted oni (won’t spoil it…). I also liked that the guys throughout the tag segment so far.
One thing I have noticed on some of the subs is they may need just a fraction of a second more screen time. A magnificent effort. You all do us a huge favor.
You have no idea how grateful I am for the translation. I’m in the US and happened on Gaki and have been stuck since, and you all are the very reason I get to enjoy these games fully. I can’t believe we used to watch and not understand and still laugh, but this is so much more enjoyable, and the translation just gets better every year! THANK YOU! 🙂
First off let me congratulate you all on a great job translating and video quality. That represents a mountian of work and I am grateful. Following this show for many many years now and you guys make it easy for fans.
I have watched the first three and so far it feels underwhelming. I did not think much of last year’s either and I was hoping this year might be different… so far I am wrong. The jokes are getting predictable and the show does not feel as tight. It could be because everything is basically so formulaic that they are not comfortable and sloppy.
Anyways there are some highlights. In the competition calling out both Tanaka and Hamada’s infidelities when trying to compliment in synch was hilarious. The rest of the bit was more funny from screw ups than anything comedic.
The actress and the whoopee cushion was actually a fairly funny gag, Hōsei getting the Thai kick changed it up till the show snapped back into form.
The bus ride segment in episode 1, some ups and downs. I did like the show later calling back to one of the bits.
As well, the video is of a high enough quality that it does show the cast particularly Matsumoto and Hamada are getting up there in years. Which is not unexpected in Japan…
FWIW the last one I really thought was top notch was the Prison one from 2014.
All that said I still like the show, but it is such that the script could double as a cookie cutter (so far).
9/10 – Watched it on new years already and its easily one of the best batsus so far. The segments are hitting it and the team manages to drive it home perfectly. Especially the Team Battle part. Only the bus cameos were kinda lacking a bit, but just a but, this year in my opinion.
Some other batsus had great single segments(like the baumkuchen moment) but all together were just “good”, this however is great with maybe one segment not pulling through enough. But its closest to all around greatness, besides the Teacher batsu.
The bus section is my favorite part, this time it was kind of short and itaos sketch wasnt that funny imo.
You just don’t get high level quality of comedy
The portion in part 3 with the games was the most I’ve laughed since the hotel batsu. Absolutely brilliant.
I have to agree with the general consensus that your translation work is still excellent, but the Batsu games are showing signs of problems. It’s true the gags are becoming repetitive and are quickly losing their originality. The only recent items that made me both laugh and cringe in recent year were Endo’s trial and the Super-DNA incident.
There was also that incident during the Stewardess Batsu when one of the actors playing the part of a pilot was suppose to say something during a public presentation, but the production team had never given him any lines! Not only was that original, it opened new possibilities for new gags! Too bad it wasn’t attempted a few more times to see how far they could push it.
I’ve seen it live on New Year’s.
It was kinda boring until the Oni-tag segment, (with the exception of the crazy teacher and the jan ken pon-pon), then with the tag and Cookie it became great all the way until the end of the Chono segment.
The gossip and towel gang are never that fun, horror part was tame this year.
I like this year’s batsu games, especially the rock paper scissor portion. It was something different. I really wish team gaki would translate the extras from previous years that did not make it into the main show. There were a lot of segments there that would make any person laugh in tears. They just couldn’t put it in there due to the time constraints. I know there are a lot of these extras out there. I am just wishfully suggesting the team sub those specials.
I agree, some of the extra scenes are pure gold!
they stole it from korean show 2D1N
can’t wait for the other parts! thanks for translating 😂
they need to remove the night part it’s honestly the lowest point of any batsu game. it’s neither funny nor scary i usually stop watching at that point
You guys are the best, and everyone enjoying this content sincerely owes you a debt of gratitude.
6/10, it’s a rough score, but so far it has not been special like some of the first/best Batsus were. One other thing that made me lower the score was video and audio out of sync on part 2’s dailymotion link and audio being sped up (no idea if that has been changed or if that is something necessary for it to be hosted on DailyMotion). Other than that, I appreciate that there is another batsu subbed in English, and hope that you can continue your subbing endeavors in the future.
it is the same thing over and over again. i feel they mostly don’t want to do it, like they are dragging their feets..
It’s enjoyable but I wish they’d be more original as it’s the same jokes from the last 2 – 3 years.
No laughing got kinda stale after the “High School” special tbh but this No Laughing scientist is actually great im laughing alot, part 3 was lmfao. THANKS FOR SUBBING
Great thus far ^.^… Though I kinda wish they’d get away from doing essentially the same formula they’ve been doing since the Newspaper one.
I really needed this. This year has been such a downer for me. But this year’s Batsu Game has been amazing, and I’ve never laughed so hard in awhile. I liked that they changed somethings up to keep it slightly unpredictable which resulted in some amazing comedy.
The best batsu games are the ones where the gaki members are naturally interacting with eachother without a script or goal. Mainly it is when they are sitting in the room just talking. Remember the infamous baumkuchen story in hospital batsu between Matsumoto and Hamada. Another well done interaction was during airport batsu and Matsumoto had to pee in the bag. How the gaki members reacted to one another was well done and not forced upon them. It is these moments that make it genuinely funny to watch them. Rarely any celebrity cameos can meet up to that standard. Even the infamous Jimmy is too restrained to perform on his natural flow. However, every batsu has at least that sparkle of momentary genuine humor, even though it gets lesser with each batsu game. Batsu games should be about enhancing their natural interaction by providing an environment for the participants to draw upon on their own will and not to be lead on in a themepark ride of events. As for TeamGaki… Good Job!
The infamous baumkuchen story is, by far, one of the best moments of the series. Honestly, the hospital batsu is my favorite of the series. That story, Hamada dancing, Tanaka changing the noise he makes whenever he gets punished. It all felt so spur of the moment. I swear they don’t even try and avoid being slapped anymore. I’d love for them to start the series with them walking up like they have in the past. They show up, change, and go right into the show. They also haven’t done any challenges before the games to see who has to partake in the shows (see the two onsen. school, and police batsus,) Of course, what they have showing might be what the greater part of Japan wants to see. I doubt they care what I think, lol.
Well said, pretty much sums up how I feel about the recent Batsu Games as well. Granted, a lot of the earlier Batsu’s had the advantage of a younger Downtown that could pull a bit more sillier antics but like you said, the spontaneous interactions when the gang weren’t following the forced script were priceless. With Downtown in their 50’s now, things like the 24Hr Tag Batsu will be difficult (if not impossible) to pull off but with age comes less physical comedy and more interaction between the guys. I rue the day when we don’t have the chance to celebrate the New Year with a new Batsu game 🙁
I did not like every batsu game. The only ones that I really love are Hospital, High School, Haunted Hotel, Spy and 24h Tag. This one for this year, science labotory, is for me, the best batsu game since so far. So I gave the score of 10/10.
Sorry for my english, and thank you Teamgaki for the translation 👏👏👏 ☺, From Paris.
Its not so much your Guys Job as Translation, But just the Games itself are Starting to feel Old and not so Fresh as they use to be. Still fully look forward to them every year and Fully Appreciate the work and Effort you guys put into every Video. Surprisingly The Bus ride for Scientist was Very Surprisingly Funny. Let’s see How parts 3-6 Takes us.
It’s funny as usual but It would be nice if they mixed it a bit more. The theme has less and less impact each year IMO. Previously they did it as a punishment for something they messed up before so it was more sadistic and therefore funnier for me. The sketches/written jokes they do are not always that funny specially when they invite other celebrities. Also they changed punishment for laughing to being hit with the rubber thing and that usually doesn’t hurt unless they mess up and hit an other part which kinda defeats the purpose of them not trying to laugh.
6/10. Which sounds negative, but honestly, it just means it’s your average Batsu Game. It doesn’t personally reach heights like last year’s detective or the 2009 Hotel one for me, but it IS better in my eyes than the mediocre Prison one, or even the terrible Teacher one.
I’m hardly enjoying it. It is always the same lame stuff for the last few years. You know almost exactly what is going to happen, hardly any surprises … yawn …
Well last year I totally sold after sasaki kojiro trigger my funny bone. Let’s see how good this year is.
I think the best things are still to come!
Thank you Team Gaki for offering this for everyone who wants!
Guys remember, this suffers from volunteer bias. People who like Gaki are the ones that are here by default. Those that aren’t finding this years Gaki good probably wouldn’t be on anything other than the status page let alone on teamgaki.com. It’s kinda like asking people at a concert if they are fans of the headlining act. The results are likely to be skewed towards the higher.
I’m enjoying it like usual, which is to say, A LOT. It’s using the same formula as with previous years, but hey it’s a formula that works so there.
You could literally add a step to each part in between TRANSLATION DONE and ENGLISH/QUALITY CHECK where you just come to my house and slap my face before moving on Chono style, and I still wouldn’t complain because you guys are the best.