GoTo Las Vegas Batsu – Part 9 & 10
5So here we have it, the last two parts of the Las Vegas Batsu, and very likely the last two Parts of a Batsu ever. As many of you have probably heard already, there was no new Batsu aired this year, and it’s doubtful that there’ll be one next year, so the yearly “Batsu-Era” seems to have come to an end.
It was certainly a fun ride while it lasted, and with that I shall shut up after wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
Part 9 RAW
Part 9 Subtitle File
Part 10 RAW
Part 10 Subtitle File
Complete Subtitle File for use with full 720p/1080p RAW
Stream Here:
Part 9 on DailyMotion
Part 10 on DailyMotion

Even the no laughing concept was mine, it was not America ready 🙂
I worked on the annual show since the gym hall and Yamasaki piano concert i became the CO producer unofficially with the smelly socks 🙂 i made up almost all the traps and jokes the theme, basicaly the entire show, ppl came to me asking what they could talk about, or what would be funny, i did that for years, till recently our organization ran into trouble, i can’t go in on it, but i could not attend anymore, plus corona they can not do it anymore, but if they see that i return and corona is over, i am sure it will restart.
And i am a Belgian working for an American company, you can call me Kjell or Keji as i was called in the show at one point when i was healing some guy called Jinai 🙂
will there be a full hardsub? or which software is a preferred way to do hardsub yourself?
Thank you guys for making this possible. I really appreciate y’all.
Thanks a lot from Chile!