American Police Batsu 2017/18 – Part 3
2Part 3 almost didn’t happen, but we took down the evil boss as nakama* to finally bring you these subs. Wish we could retell the exciting adventures of how it all went down, but it’s actually mostly just unintelligible yelling.
At least we’ve all grown a little bit wiser and are prepared for the next time.
*Nakama doesn’t have an equivalent in English. It means friends.
The 1-3 file for the 1080p RAW will be added later – same goes for dailymotion links.
Part 3 RAW
Part 3 Subtitle File
Part 1-3 Subtitle File (720p)
Stream on DailyMotion
Stream Here:

where i can find part one and two???
nevermind ,just read that you will upload it later